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3 Move Up At Arkansas Federal Credit Union (Movers & Shakers)

2 min read

132815 movers Dustin Cole, Alan Harrison and Brandon Webb
<p>Dustin Cole (from left), Alan Harrison and Brandon Webb</p> ( AFCU)

Arkansas Federal Credit Union of Little Rock has announced the following promotions: Dustin Cole, senior vice president of consumer lending; Alan Harrison, senior vice president of business services; and Brandon Webb, senior vice president of mortgage.

132815 mover Josh Cunningham
<p>Josh Cunningham</p> ( AgHeritage Farm Credit Services)

Josh Cunningham has been promoted to vice president of lending and branch manager of AgHeritage Farm Credit Services in Lonoke. Cunningham previously served as agricultural lending officer.

132815 mover Kentriss Robinson
<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-b2740cec-7fff-9374-b5be-a8f397e2e632"><span>Kentriss Robinson</span></span></p> ( Stone Bank)

Kentriss Robinson has been hired as operations specialist at Stone Bank in Little Rock.

132815 mover Blake Swindle
<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-e9314d30-7fff-4964-22ef-cf0608a6d4a5"><span>Blake Swindle </span></span></p> ( AgHeritage Farm Credit Services)

Blake Swindle has been promoted to senior vice president and chief operating officer at AgHeritage Farm Credit Services of Little Rock. He previously was senior vice president and chief commercial lending officer.

132815 movers Dennis “DJ” Curtis Jr. and Kelley Curtis Dunlap
<p>Dennis “DJ” Curtis Jr. and Kelley Curtis Dunlap</p> ( Stifel)

Stifel in Little Rock has announced that Dennis “DJ” Curtis Jr., senior vice president/investments and branch manager, and Kelley Curtis Dunlap, senior vice president/investments, were named to Forbes’ 2022 Best-in-State Wealth Advisors list. 

See more of this week’s Movers & Shakers, and submit your own announcement at ArkansasBusiness.com/Movers.

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