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$9.2M Expansion Planned for Southeastern Freightlines Terminal at Little Rock PortLock Icon

1 min read

A contract to build on to the Little Rock Port Industrial Park tops this week’s list of million-dollar construction and real estate transactions.

► D.F. Chase Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee, was awarded the $9.2 million contract to expand the Southeastern Freightlines terminal at 6103 Lindsey Road in the Little Rock Port Industrial Park.

► Daryl Brock Custom Homes Inc. sold 50 lots to D.R. Horton Inc. of Arlington, Texas, for $3.2 million.

► Hatcher Properties Inc., led by Greg Hatcher, acquired a 12,203-SF office building at 2224 Cottondale Lane in Little Rock’s Riverdale area for $2 million.

Seller? The Arkansas Bar Foundation, led by Vicki Vasser.

► Casey Mikula and Rebecca Roden sold a 4,970-SF house in Little Rock’s Forest Heights Place neighborhood to Simon Mears and Mary Kelly for nearly $1.8 million.

► NJW Property LLC, led by Jacob Willett, bought the 3,406-SF former Sleep Number project at 3711 McCain Blvd. in North Little Rock from Little Rock’s USAble Corp. for $1.3 million.

► Joel Dworkin sold a 5,456-SF house in Little Rock’s Hillcrest neighborhood to Taylor and Jenny Martin for more than $1 million.

► G&M Drywall Inc., led by Frederick Guyant Jr., purchased a 20,433-SF office-warehouse at 9222 Interstate 30 in Little Rock for $1 million.

Seller: JEA Investments LLLP, led by John Allen IV.

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