Trish Villines
Trish Villines has been named executive director of the Arkansas Institute for Performance Excellence, an affiliate of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce/Associated Industries of Arkansas, which administers the Governor’s Quality Award Program.
She replaces longtime AIPE Executive Director Sue Weatter, who retired.
Villines previously served as the Title III grant director at North Arkansas College in Harrison. She also worked on the development of a local industrial alliance facilitated by the college.
She has been an Arkansas Baldrige Examiner since 2013, and, in 2015, served as North Arkansas College’s committee co-chair for the State-level Baldridge Application writing team, which earned the Governor’s Quality Award that year.
Villines has since served the AIPE as a trainer for applicants and examiners in relation to the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. In 2018, she served as a national Baldrige Examiner representing the State Chamber and AIPE.
She earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Arkansas and her master’s degree in public administration from Arkansas State University.