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Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield Offers New Dental Plans

1 min read

Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield is now offering two new employer group dental products: Dental Select PPO and Dental Select PPO Plus. The dental plans, aimed at lowering costs for Arkansas-based employers, will add to the existing DentalBlue dental insurance plans by offering companies a wider range of options when choosing between broad network access and network savings.

The Dental Select PPO plan uses the PPO network to deliver the highest level of cost savings to a group, with a more exclusive provider network. The Dental Select PPO Plus features a larger provider network and lower cost savings.

Along with ABCBS’s entire portfolio of flexible and comprehensive choice plans, the new dental plans include the calendar year maximum rollover feature, which allows employees to take unused benefits into the next year. ABCBS members are also granted access to the organization’s national network of more than 100,000 dentists nationwide.

For more information on Arkansas Blue Cross dental plans, visit ArkansasBlueCross.com.

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