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Bill Clinton to Speak to Clinton School Graduates May 15

1 min read

Former President and Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton will deliver a commencement address to 41 students graduating from the Clinton School of Public Service with master’s degrees in public service.

The ceremony, the school’s 10th, will be held at 1:30 p.m May 15 on the Clinton Presidential Library grounds. 

The graduate school, which opened in 2004, was the first of its kind in the nation to offer a master of public service degree. It is part of the University of Arkansas System.

The degree requires completion of a 40-hour curriculum that includes a team-based project in Arkansas, an international public service project and an individual project. Students also had the opportunity to participate in a speaker series that featured more than 200 professionals.

The Democrat is the country’s 42nd president and Arkansas’ 40th and 42nd governor. His wife, Hillary Clinton, is a former U.S. Senator from New York and U.S. Secretary of State who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.

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