Camille Norman
Camille Norman, an experienced media buyer at Little Rock advertising agencies, has joined Eric Rob & Isaac as the marketing firm’s media director.
Norman will oversee research, strategy, negotiations, buying and placement of paid media for all of the Little Rock agency’s clients, and she will also be responsible for post-buy analysis. A news release from the firm, which has offices above the Flying Fish restaurant downtown, said Norman would ensure “seamless integration of planning and buying functions.”
The hiring also marks the end of a 14-year relationship between ERI and Brooke Vines of Vines Media, who had previously handled the firm’s traditional media buys.
“We’re good friends with Brooke, and she did a great job with us in traditional media,” said Rob Bell, a principal of ERI. “But we’re now a 20-person agency, and we already handled our digital media buying in house. So the landscape has changed, and it made sense for us to pull it all in house.”
Vines, fresh from successfully launching the CoreConnect Conference, said Vines Media was “going in a different direction.” CoreConnect, a gathering featuring leading speakers on digital solutions, precision targeting and consumer influencing, drew a strong crowd and break-even revenue at its debut April 27 in Little Rock, Vines said. She plans to continue the events in other cities, including New York.
Norman earned a bachelor’s degree in advertising and public relations in 2011 at the University of Arkansas, where she was a captain of the Razorback soccer team. She worked in media buying at Stone Ward before moving just down the street to ERI, and she spent two years after college as a junior media buyer at the Sells Agency on Capitol Avenue.
She has “experience working on local, regional and national accounts and buying across all digital platforms,” the ERI release said.