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Celebration of Culture in Huntsville

2 min read

(Editor’s Note: Each year, Arkansas Business partners with the Arkansas Municipal League to present the Trendsetter City awards, which recognize exceptional initiatives underway in municipalities across the state. Large, medium and small-sized cities were honored in six categories: Diversity and Inclusion; Education/Workforce Development; Infrastructure and Water; Public Works/Environmental and Green Management; Technology and Security; and Tourism Development/Creative Culture. Below is one winner’s story. For more, click here.) 

Diversity and Inclusion
Winner • Under 5,000

Population: 3,286 (Census Bureau, 2022) | Mayor: Travis Dotson | County: Madison | Region: Northwest

The Challenge

The city of Huntsville faced the challenge of fostering greater inclusivity and civic engagement, particularly with its growing Hispanic population, which made up 13.3% of the community. Despite this sizable demographic, Hispanic residents were not frequently involved in city events or leadership roles. City leaders recognized the need to create opportunities for the Hispanic community to participate more actively in civic life and cultural celebrations. Additionally, they aimed to increase utilization of local parks and public spaces that many residents, especially Hispanic community members, had not fully embraced.

The Solution

City officials collaborated with local businesses, civic groups and nonprofits to organize Salsa in the Park in September 2023. This event, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, showcased Hispanic culture through music, dancing, and family activities. Over 300 people attended, many of whom had never visited the city’s parks. This successful event sparked plans for Fiesta Latina 2024, which featured expanded activities like live bands, a soccer tournament and health screenings. Local Hispanic leaders are now more involved in city planning.

Getting Involved

Salsa in the Park and Fiesta Latina provided new opportunities for volunteerism in Huntsville, particularly among school-aged children, who were able to give behind-the-scenes support at both events.

Salsa in the Park led to an Outdoor Recreational Park grant to construct restrooms and a splash pad in 2025.

See more of Trendsetter City

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