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Consulting Firm Focuses on Corporate Management

2 min read

After more than 30 years in corporate management, well-known Little Rock businessman Sherman Tate has struck out on his own.

Tate, along with financial planner Corbin Cobbs and attorney Scott Hamilton, opened HT & Associates, a management consulting firm, in November.

HT & Associates specializes in customer service, management development and human resources for corporations, including nonprofits.

"In the technology age that we live in … we talk to each other electronically," Tate said. "Sometimes that causes a breakdown in communication and a slowdown in decision-making."

Tate said that as a result, customers suffer. That’s where HT & Associates steps in.
"Successful businesses normally have a comfort level based on what their employees think and what their customers tell them," Tate said. "One important aspect of what we do is to validate this information and to help the client clearly understand the reality of their vision compared to their desired future."

In addition to the business management side, HT & Associates also works with student and professional athletes, helping them develop a positive image and brand.

"We get them to focus on being a role model," Tate said. "We get them to understand how important it is that they be mindful and patient in speaking to the media and the public. You never know who is watching and who is recording."

The firm also coaches athletes on wealth management, including identifying investment opportunities and managing portfolios.

HT & Associates is slowly growing, Tate said. The firm is working to elevate its profile, through business contacts and what Tate described as "sweat equity."

"Folks are becoming more familiar with who we are," he said. "You have to put a lot of time and effort into it before you hit your stride."

For now, the company consists of Tate, Cobbs and Hamilton, though it occasionally uses contractors. Tate said he expected that as the company grew, it would hire more employees.

Though there are plans to promote the company in other states, Tate said he and his associates love to tell people they’re from Arkansas. "We want to tout that," he said. "We’re proud to be Arkansans."

Tate has previously served in senior management positions in state government, Arkla Gas Co. (now Centerpoint Energy) and Alltel Corp. He also has served as chairman of the board of trustees of Philander Smith College and of the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Cobbs is the regional vice president of Primerica Financial Services, and Hamilton has extensive management experience in the private sector.

HT & Associates can be reached at (501) 350-4141 or by emailing State.DominoEffect@ATT.net.

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