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Conway Corp. to Build $95M Wastewater Plant

1 min read

Conway Corp., the provider of city of Conway-owned utilities services, is negotiating contracts for its largest wastewater capital project to date, an approximately $95 million treatment facility.

The utility company should officially execute contracts by the end of May, allowing work to start in June, said Richard Arnold, CEO of Conway Corp.

The apparent low bidders for the three-part project were PC Construction Co. of South Burlington, Vt., with $66.3 million for building the treatment plant; Branco Enterprises of Neosho, Mo., with $12.3 million for constructing related pump stations; and Rosetta Construction LLC of Springfield, Mo., with $11.7 million for pipeline work.

The new plant will be constructed at the southwest edge of Conway in the Lollie Bottoms area. It will accomodate 24 million gallons of wastewater per day, increasing the city’s 12 million-gallon processing capability. 

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