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Cycling Retailer Vittoria Moving North American HQ to Bentonville

1 min read

Italian bicycle tire and tube maker Vittoria Industries has announced that it’s moving its North American headquarters from Oklahoma City to Bentonville. 

The company’s sales and marketing team will occupy 1,250-SF of space at The Ledger, the six-story office building in downtown Bentonville that has outdoor ramps providing access to cyclists.

It will also have a 1,100-SF retail kiosk in the lobby of the building. The company said it plans to provide free service to building tenants. 

The move is scheduled to take place in December. Vittoria plans to hire six new employees.

“Bentonville is becoming the epicenter of cycling in the United States, and we look forward to being part of it,” Karim Pine, the company’s managing director in North America, said in a news release.

Vittoria also makes bicycle accessories and is known for its graphene-enhanced compounds and advanced cotton & nylon casings.

The company’s warehouse operations will remain in Oklahoma City.

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