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Delta Dirt Distillery Heats Up in HelenaLock Icon

1 min read

Have you heard about the launch of a new minority-owned business brewing in downtown Helena-West Helena?

Delta Dirt Distillery could begin production of spirits at the southeast corner of Cherry and Rightor streets next year.

The entrepreneurs behind the venture are Harvey Williams Jr. and his wife, Donna.

“We’re pouring our life savings into it, once I got her on board,” said Williams, an agriculture engineering grad of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.

The federal permitting process for Delta Dirt Distillery is complete, and work is in progress on state permitting. He estimates the startup of “Triple D,” or “3D” as his son refers to it, will require a $750,000-$1 million investment.

Williams grew up in a farm family and built a career working in the food industry for Cargill and Sara Lee after college. His family still farms in northern Phillips County.

“This is really me coming back home,” said Williams, who met his high school sweetheart wife at Marianna.

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