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Entegrity Introduces Green Building Apprenticeship Program

2 min read

Entegrity Partners of Little Rock and the Arkansas Apprenticeship Alliance have launched the nation’s first green building industry program to certify apprentices with a LEED Green Associate credential.

The apprenticeship alliance, with support from the Arkansas Advanced Energy Foundation, helped Entegrity conceive the apprenticeship to help meet growing workforce needs in green building.

Arkansas has been at the forefront of the movement nationally and is one of the first states to have a U.S. Green Building Council chapter, according to a news release from Entegrity.

“As the market develops, the titles, responsibilities, and market strategies for these roles have differed greatly from company to company,” the release said. “Accordingly, like most, Entegrity has always home-grown their employees with internal education, on-the-job training, and company-sponsored exam prep and test fees, continuing education, etc.”

The apprenticeship model incorporates standardization, national recognition, training reimbursement funding and a state tax credit for companies taking on apprentices.

The Apprenticeship Alliance is backed by the Arkansas Center for Data Sciences and the Arkansas Office of Skills Development.

ACDS Apprenticeship Director Lonnie Emard said that since its founding over four years ago, the center has helped 130 organizations gain supplemental staffing through registered apprenticeships.

“Now, through the Arkansas Apprenticeship Alliance, we have the opportunity to offer that same success to the energy sector and others,” he said. “We look forward to helping Entegrity solve their talent challenges.”

The U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship is a “Technical Content Professional,” a one-year apprenticeship with 144 hours of classroom training, including Microsoft Excel, LEED GA test preparation, and more, the release said. The on-the-job-training includes documentation of LEED credits for current construction projects, development of templates for future projects, and experience working for a consulting and development company.

Entegrity’s vice president-sustainability, Meredith Hendricks, said the company was excited to develop the apprenticeship model “to help support the continued growth of our newest team members at Entegrity.”

She added, “Hopefully this model will be able to be replicated at other companies.”

April Ambrose, director of energy and environment for the Arkansas Apprenticeship Alliance, attended the USGBC South Central Tour, Education and Leadership Awards this month to recognize Entegrity for its role in advancing the industry She also educated those in attendance on how apprenticeships can provide diverse, skilled talent in emerging industries.

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