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Feastros Struggles in Jacksonville, Hunts New Location

1 min read

You may have heard that Feastros at 2126 N. First St. in Jacksonville closed in mid-April.

Restaurant owner Mark Spaight noted this month on Facebook that he plans to reopen, but not in the same town.

It seems he’s now hunting for a new location in North Little Rock or Sherwood.

The possible reasons for the closure that have been rumored, and some of them printed in the statewide newspaper as well as in a more localized publication, have included a bankruptcy, a violated noncompete agreement, nastiness from a nearby eatery and unpaid bills.

Feastros, which served Southern favorites like barbecued ribs, moved from Sherwood to Jacksonville in May 2011. Feastros operated in Sherwood for more than nine years, but didn’t quite make it to one full year of business in Jacksonville.

And while Spaight didn’t respond to messages requesting his side of the story, we can look at Feastros’ numbers to see that Jacksonville wasn’t quite as friendly a location for the eatery, perhaps in more ways than one, as Sherwood was. For one, Feastros wasn’t always permitted to serve lunch in Jacksonville.

Feastros’ May 2011-January 2012 food sales were $139,087, down more than 7 percent from the same period a year prior.

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