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Hotel Projects Are in the Pipeline

2 min read

(Click here to read a related story on hotel construction projects that are under way in Arkansas.)

• Burns Park lodge, North Little Rock

Guests for family reunions, baseball teams playing in national or regional tournaments at Burns Park and other park users could bed in the proposed lodge, according to Bob Rhoads, parks and recreation director for North Little Rock. The ideas for the rustic lodge, which were introduced in the department’s 2006 master plan, include plans for up to 200 rooms, Rhoads said.

Some snags that could hinder progress on the hotel include North Little Rock having to find land of equal or greater value to replace the park land that the lodge would consume, Rhoads said.

“We’re exploring it, and hopefully down the road somewhere, we’ll get this all worked out,” he said.

The city is currently waiting for an appraisal of the park land.

• Six- or seven-story hotel with more than 100 rooms, Benton

Benton has hired CDI Contractors of Little Rock to build a 27,500-SF events center, which is supposed to accompany a hotel. The city would like to see both events center and hotel completed by the end of 2013.

• Airport hotel, Little Rock

The Clinton National Airport’s master plan has a hotel as a goal project. At an Airport Commission meeting this month, Executive Director Ron Mathieu presented a concept of a hotel connected to a new airport terminal.

“This is a long-range project that could take beyond five years to reach fruition. In the meantime, we look forward to an open process to work with our local hospitality industry for input, suggestions and possible creation of a public-private partnership,” airport spokesman Shane Carter said in an email.



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