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Insights: What We Know About PPP Loan Forgiveness

1 min read

On June 4, Chris Doolittle and Ernie Skyrme of BKD CPAs & Advisors appeared on “Insights,” a webinar series presented by Arkansas Business, to discuss the rules, the procedures and where small businesses currently stand with the Paycheck Protection Program, a loan forgiveness opportunity offered by the federal government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listed below are resources and materials related to this webinar:

  • You may view a video of “PPP Loan Forgiveness: What We Know” by registering for free. (Running time: 49 min.)

  • Download the presentation materials used by BKD as the source of Thursday’s webinar in two different formats. The slides which appeared during the webinar are available as a PDF file (13.5 MB). you may also view and download the PowerPoint file (3.1 MB) originally used by BKD (see below.)

  • You can view an extended version of this webinar, presented by BKD on May 18. (Running time: 1 hr, 35 min.)

  • A presentation from BKD discussing the May 22 updates to the PPP is available to be viewed below, from YouTube.

If you have any further questions for our panelists, you may email Chris Doolittle or Ernie Skyrme directly, or contact Tre Baker, moderator of “Insights.”

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