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1 min read

With so many good local pizza restaurants in this state, there is some hesitation here to promote a national chain. But with Papa John’s featuring a local celebrity in its latest ads, maybe there’s no harm done.

Or. Is. There?

Now if you’re a pizza and football conissiour like myself, you’re likely asking yourself “The ƒç!*&# did I just watch? And why is this crap on 360?” But as you may have realized, oh, 30 years ago, sports is all about image and celebrity now. No other owner pulls this off better than Jerry Jones, formerly of Rose City and currently a resident of no-income-tax Texas.

(And hey, here’s a link to a bigger version of this spot.)

Even though you’re going to grow very, very tired of this spot this football season, may I remind you that Jerry’s rap is only the second-worst video made by an NFL owner this year. Arkansas can remain proud.

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