Scott Smith
Scott Smith of Bryant apparently doesn’t have a special note from the Federal Reserve Bank giving him access to $10 billion.
And it’s probably a good guess that he doesn’t have connections with former President Bill Clinton.
That’s a couple of alleged fibs he told Nicholas Gordon, vice president of Zion Capital Ventures Inc. of New York, according to the lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District Court in Little Rock.
Gordon charges that he and his company were duped into giving Smith and his SKB Partners LLC close to $1 million, the lawsuit said.
Back in July 2011, Smith, senior managing partner of SKB Partners, approached the plaintiffs “with a purported business opportunity for investment in large scale construction projects,” the lawsuit said.
Smith’s official-looking letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is filed as an exhibit in the case.
Gordon said he has tried to get the money back, but “to no avail,” according to the lawsuit filed by Thomas Burns of the Hancock Law Firm in Little Rock.
The plaintiffs are suing on several counts, including breach of contract and fraud.
They are seeking an unspecified amount of money for damages.
Smith hasn’t responded to the lawsuit yet, and we were unable to reach Smith Thursday afternoon.