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Marie Gieringer Proudly Wears CFO Badge for Regional Girl Scouts

1 min read

As chief financial officer of Girl Scouts – Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma & Texas, the position Marie Gieringer assumed in February, she manages the accounting, business systems, retail and troop financial accountability divisions of the organization, which is headquartered in Little Rock. With the help of about 10 staff members, Gieringer also prepares monthly financial statements and budget reports.

Gieringer graduated from the University of Central Arkansas in Conway in 2007 with a double major in accounting and personal financial planning. In January 2008, she started work with JPMS Cox PLLC in Little Rock, a business and accounting consulting firm. Originally hired as a staff member, Gieringer worked her way up to manager of the firm in July 2014, a position she held until her appointment to Girl Scouts – Diamonds. Throughout her various positions at JPMS Cox, Gieringer was a blog writer for the company’s website, drafted and presented proposals to potential clients, developed new staff training programs and managed company procedures such as audits, consolidations and reviews.

In 2011, Gieringer was one of Arkansas Business’ 20 in Their 20s and was chosen for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Leadership Academy. She works with AICPA’s competition task force. She is also a member of the Arkansas Society of CPAs and sits on its professional ethics committee.

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