Maumelle’s unique Citizen Police Academy has been bridging the gap between residents and police since 1991, which has only contributed to the city’s public safety.
The academy was originally formed under the Department of Public Safety, and included a 10-week academy where citizens learned equally about the police and fire departments. Now, the program is a seven-week course focusing exclusively on how the Maumelle Police Department operates.
This program offers ride-alongs, education on narcotics crimes, criminal investigations and firearms to educate and create a partnership between the community and police department.
Aside from classes, the academy serves as a forum for residents to interact with officers. Feedback is encouraged during these forums, and often tough questions are addressed.
The goal is to have a mutual understanding between residents and the police department to encourage public safety and create a sense of community. To achieve this goal, the program focuses on why laws are in place, in order to achieve “understanding through education,” the department’s motto.
Though free for citizens, the program costs around $1,700 including food and classes, which is funded through grants, city budget funds and alumni donations. This budget allows for a guest instructor on the first night to teach on the department’s history, a Little Rock detective who instructs “gang night” and collaborations with North Little Rock Police Department and the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office.
Population: 18,122
Mayor: Mike Watson
County: Pulaski
Region: Central
Did You Know?
Maumelle is home to two recreational lakes, Lake Willastein and Lake Valencia. Both lakes are surrounded by parks, wooden bridges and bike trails. These trails contribute to the city’s 13 miles of bike trails, which is one of the most extensive municipal bike trails in Arkansas.
These collaborations offer opportunities such as a firearm training simulator and touring of the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility, both of which the department considers “eye openers” for students.
Though the academy’s success is highly reliant on the number of participants, the town has seen growing support and attendance since it has begun.
Outside of the academy, the department’s interactive website helps citizens stay informed and aware of what’s going on in the community. A most wanted list and sex offender map are at the top of the page, while a slew of resources and city updates are beneath it.
With a focus on citizen understand and education, Maumelle has helped to bridge the gap between the citizen and the officer. This partnership has led to crime prevention, which led the city to a safer standard.