Mike Huckabee, radio and TV personality, former Arkansas governor and 2008 Republican presidential nominee, said last Monday that another run for president isn’t out of the question.
“I haven’t decided. I mean, it’s not something I have completely ruled out, but it’s not something I’m sitting around every night at the kitchen table plotting,” he said. “So, I’ll keep the option at least open for the next year or so and at some point would have to decide if that really was something I was going to do again. There are times I honestly think, first of all, I would have less of a platform as a candidate than I do now. And you spend so much of your time raising money and begging people for money and then spending most of it just defending yourself against every imaginable attack that you don’t have that much time to get out the points that you want to get out regarding issues that are really near and dear to you. So that’s one of the real considerations.”
Huckabee isn’t considering running for any public office besides president, he said.
He is also keeping his political action committee, Huck PAC, running and staffed with two employees.
“It’s made it possible for me to go to a number of places and help candidates all over the country, and that’s what we want to continue to be able to do,” Huckabee said.
Huck PAC’s total receipts were $1.06 million for the 2012 election cycle, with total spending of $989,578, according to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission.