A screenshot from the home page of PhillipsCounty.Arkansas.gov.
New websites have been launched for Phillips County and Helena.
According to a news release, the county site, PhillipsCounty.Arkansas.gov, is intended to be a central hub for residents to take care of county business. It contains information like phone directories, court data and event calendars.
It’s also the county’s first official website, the release noted.
“There was nothing,” said Julia Malinowski, director of the Helena A&P Commission. “The State Treasurer’s Office had a listing of treasurers for the county, but there was no place to go online for information about the county except for Wikipedia.”
Malinowski said the sites were built with collaboration from Connect Arkansas’ E-Community Strategies program and the Information Network of Arkansas.
Connect Arkansas is a nonprofit focused on addressing broadband and connectivity needs across the state. It’s part of the Arkansas Capital Corp. Group of Little Rock.
The Information Network is a state group intended to improve government accessibility by building and hosting websites.
She said the project was funded through a grant that used state funds to build websites for all counties in Arkansas that did not already have a website in place. According to Connect Arkansas’ website, these other counties have so far included Ashley, Chicot, Desha, Lincoln, Monroe, Prairie, Sharp and Woodruff counties.
Malinowski said it cost $7,000 to develop the Phillips County site and the grant will provide $2,000 per year for hosting, after which the county will begin paying for the site.
The Helena website, VisitHelenaAR.com, focuses mainly on tourism. Malinowski said the site was built by Sundaram Design of Austin, Texas, and cost about $12,000 to develop, whicht was paid by the A&P Commission.