As new cases of sexual harassment crop up daily, toppling leaders in entertainment, media and technology, it’s refreshing to note the leadership at Mitchell, the Fayetteville PR agency where founder Elise Mitchell will turn over CEO duties to Sarah Clark in January (see Hang Onto Your Helmet: Elise Mitchell Goes Global.)
Counting Mitchell as chair and Clark, a Wal-Mart veteran, as chief executive, 13 of the growing firm’s 14 top executives, all the way down through the vice presidents, are women.
There’s Ann Bordelon, Blake Woolsey, Amanda Keeney, Ann Newland, Holly Gilbert, Shea Davis, Susan Saronitman, Gina Miller, Kay McDowell, Sarah Uibel and Sheerah Davis.
The odd man out, though loved by the team, according to Mitchell, is John Gilboy, one of several senior vice presidents.
“I’m more interested in who the person is on the inside,” Mitchell told Whispers. “I always look for the smartest people I can find, and especially those who have capabilities and strengths that I lack … Many of those individuals have been women.”
She said gifted men had also helped the firm succeed, but she didn’t deny that her firm has a definite female factor. “They all contributed in unique and meaningful ways,” she said, adding that the mix is “one of the reasons Mitchell is a world-class company today.”