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Obamacare’s Costs (Feedback)

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Recently both Gwen Moritz of Arkansas Business and John Brummett of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, both of whom revel in attacking Republicans, penned columns about our mean old governor who initially gave 10 days for “private option” beneficiaries to respond to questions about their eligibility.

Brummett gives us all kinds of theoretical reasons why these 35,000 or so beneficiaries might be thrown off the program, mostly because they didn’t respond within 10 days. Gwen Moritz says the 10-day deadline probably wasn’t sheer meanness, but, instead, managerial overconfidence. Moritz says perhaps there are state officials, i.e., Republicans, who are eager to discontinue government-paid health insurance for the ineligible as soon as possible.

Both Brummett and Moritz concentrated on the touchy-feely aspects of this action, while neither raised the issue as to why it was necessary for the state to send out 60,000 letters indicating recipients’ financial status is not what was initially established.

Perhaps both columnists should discuss the recent action of the Senate Finance Committee, now controlled by Republicans. This committee asked the Government Accountability Office to test Obamacare’s internal eligibility and enrollment controls. The agency created a dozen fictitious identities and applied for insurance subsidies. Guess what? Eleven of the fake claimants got their subsidies right away.

According to the Democrat-Gazette, our governor has now authorized hiring 35 new employees to check out the backlog on private option candidates and the reassignment of 20 more state employees for this task. Conservatively, after considering fringe benefits, facilities and other costs, this will add at least $2 million to state expenditures. If they actually get caught up with the backlog, do you suppose these state employees will then be dismissed?

What’s happening in Arkansas and throughout the country is only a portion of the extra cost of Obamacare and its related tentacles that can be expected in government programs.

Jerry B. Jackson
Heber Springs

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