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OK Foods Puts Illinois Supplier On IceLock Icon

1 min read

OK Foods Inc. of Fort Smith has sued its dry ice supplier for allegedly ruining more than 300,000 pounds of its poultry product.

The company is seeking at least $516,740 from Continental Carbonic Products Inc. of Decatur, Illinois, according to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Fort Smith.

The chicken producer said in the lawsuit that in September, a customer reported finding “foreign material ap-pearing to be of dark or black plastic type consistency” on its processed and prepared poultry breast meat.

It then notified the United States Department of Agriculture and Continental Carbonic about the customer’s report. OK Foods also placed a hold on about 370,000 pounds of poultry product as it investigated the case.

OK Foods alleged that Carbonic’s product was the source of the foreign material. OK Foods said it had to dis-pose of more than $500,000 worth of poultry products.

OK Foods said in the lawsuit, filed by attorney J.R. Carroll in Kutak Rock’s Fayetteville office, that it asked Carbonic for the money to cover the loss, but it refused to pay.

Carbonic hadn’t filed a response as of Thursday afternoon. And a company official said Thursday she didn’t know about the lawsuit and couldn’t comment on it.

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