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Online Boutique Leverages the Power of Social Media

1 min read

Social media is quickly becoming a part of everyday life, and Danielle Daugherty, owner of online clothing store Yella Boutique, is taking advantage of the new technology.

"I think operating through [social media] makes the customer experience more convenient," she said. "With other online stores, you have to go back to the website every time you want to look at something. You have to enter your information every time you buy something."

Daugherty operates the North Little Rock business through Facebook, where she posts albums with new inventory for shoppers to explore. When customers make their first purchase, Daugherty saves their information in a secure system, and from then on, they only need to comment on a picture and she will ship the item to them.

"The response has been positive," Daugherty said. "I think more and more people are shopping online."

Yella Boutique offers contemporary clothing for women age 20-30, and items cost anywhere from $40 to $120. Clothing lines include C. Luce, Ark & Co. and Aryn K.,
Daugherty sells jewelry, such as bold necklaces and earrings, as well. She said she plans to expand to include other accessories once the business starts flourishing.
For more information and to view the offerings, Visit Facebook.com/YellaBoutique.

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