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Pandemic Shutdown Causes Fayetteville BluesLock Icon

1 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic has cost the Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau at least $140,000.

Molly Rawn, CEO of Experience Fayetteville, said that hit is just from events canceled at the city’s Town Center. The total revenue lost won’t be known for a couple of months.

More bad news for Fayetteville is the postponement of major events, such as the Joe Martin Stage Race and shows at the Walton Arts Center. “The overall economic impact to Fayetteville of that is significant,” Rawn said.

Rawn said seven part-time employees were laid off and one full-time employee was temporarily furloughed because of the pandemic.

The Clinton House Museum staff is trying to bring some levity to the serious situation. Director Angie Albright put life-size cardboard cutouts of Bill and Hillary Clinton in various poses at the house at 930 Clinton Drive, where the future president and future secretary of state lived. She then posted the pictures on the museum’s Facebook page.

Naturally, the cardboard Clintons are wearing masks.

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