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Parts of Fayetteville Are AT&T Fiber Ready

1 min read

AT&T of Dallas and the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce announced Thursday that several places in the city have been certified as being “fiber ready,” meaning infrastructure is in place to bring higher-speed internet access to local businesses.

Those fiber-ready locals include:

  • The Fayetteville Commerce District bounded by 15th Street, Morningside Drive, Pump Station Road and Armstrong Avenue;

  • The Fayetteville Downtown Square from Church Street to College Avenue and Meadow to Mountain Streets;

  • Mountain Ranch Properties, N. Rupple Road to I-49;

  • N. Shiloh Drive, Mount Comfort Road to Point West Street;

  • Joyce Boulevard, Steele Boulevard to Millennium Drive; and

  • College Avenue, Rock Street to Joyce Boulevard

Cathy Foraker, an AT&T spokeswoman, said in a news release that the better service would drive innovation and job creation.

“High-speed internet is key to economic success as it allows businesses operating in our city to easily connect to customers, suppliers and employees who might be in different locations, regions or hemispheres,” Chamber President and CEO Steve Clark said in the release.

AT&T said economic development leaders can more effectively position their communities for site selection by emphasizing the availability of high-speed, fiber-based services.

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