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Small Business Administration Names Edward Haddock Director in Arkansas

1 min read

The U.S. Small Business Administration has named Edward Haddock director for the Arkansas District Office.

Haddock, the former deputy district director, replaces the retiring Linda Nelson.

Haddock will be responsible for delivery of all SBA programs and services and for statewide coordination among the SBA, the district’s Small Business Development Centers, SCORE chapters and the Women’s Business Center.

SBA programs and services include the loan guaranty program, assistance in government contracting and exporting, and entrepreneurship training. 

Haddock is an Air Force veteran and a graduate of John Brown University of Siloam Springs, where he majored in organizational management, and has an MBA from Rutgers University of New Brunswick, N.J.

He joined the SBA as an economic development specialist in Newark, N.J., in 2011 and was promoted to senior area manager in Fayetteville in 2013 before becoming deputy district director in 2015. 

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