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State Bankers Association Holding Convention May 9-11

2 min read

The Arkansas Bankers Association will hold its 122nd annual convention and trade show Wednesday through Friday at the Peabody Hotel and Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock.

The event opens at 10 a.m. Wednesday with the annual golf tournament, sponsored by First National Bankers Bank. An opening reception, co-sponsored by FTN Financial and First Tennessee Bank, follows at 5 p.m.

On May 10, Mike Hunter, the chief operating officer of the American Bankers Association, will deliver a report on congressional-related issues.

Simmons First Strawberry Breakfast will kick off the day on May 11. Afterward, the Arkansas State Bank Department will hold its annual Day With the Commissioner from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

Bank Commissioner Candace A. Franks will open the program and be followed by:

  • Kristie K. Elmquist, director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s Dallas office, who will discuss "Industry Trends and Regulatory Hot Topics."
  • Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president and managing officer of Banking Supervision, Credit, Community Development & Learning Innovation of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Stackhouse will talk on "Taking a Wrong Turn: Lessons Learned From Banks That Failed and How to Apply Them to Tomorrow’s Decisions."
  • John Ryan, president and CEO of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, on "The Future of Community Banking."
  • William R. Emmons, assistant vice president and economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Emmons will discuss "The Economic and Banking Outlook for Arkansas."

Gov. Mike Beebe will address the assembly after Emmons’ remarks. Franks and John Freeman, Arkansas Bankers Association chairman for 2012-13, will deliver closing comments.

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