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State Chamber, AIA Announce 2021 Officers

1 min read

The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and Associated Industries of Arkansas Inc. announced their 2021 officers and directors last week.

Ronald Dedman of AT&T Arkansas was elected chairman of the Arkansas State Chamber, and Chris Hart of Central Maloney Inc. was elected chairman of the AIA. Both chairs typically serve two one-year terms. Officers are elected annually with no limitations on their terms of service. 

Gary Head of Signature Bank continues as treasurer of the chamber and of the AIA. Raymond Burns of the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce continues as the local chamber representative on the executive committee both boards form.

New Arkansas State Chamber vice chairs are Larry Shackleford of Washington Regional and Stanley Hill of the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation.

New AIA Vice Chairs are Troy Brooks of Nucor Steel Arkansas; Dean Hoover of Koontz Electric; Patty Cardin of Lanxess; and Gina Radke of Galley Support Innovations.

To view the complete slate of officers and directors, click here.  

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