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Tax Law Good For Businesses (Jerry Jackson Feedback)

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Gwen Moritz’s Editor’s Note in the Jan. 8 issue of Arkansas Business is quite amazing. Her opinion that the new tax law is a bad one is strange considering that most important aspects of this law should help businesses, both corporate and pass-throughs, and she is the editor for a publication that you would think would be pro-business.

Her sarcastic comments on people who think that money originates from individuals and companies and not the government speaks volumes.

A recent poll finds 52 percent of Americans don’t believe the new tax law will help them financially. An almost equal percentage of Americans pays no income tax at all. News flash: It won’t help those who pay nothing.

The thought that corporations are simply paying a pittance when they give extra bonuses or raises comes directly from Nancy Pelosi, who could never vote for any measure to assist business or economic growth.

It is interesting indeed that so many anti-Trumpers are suddenly concerned about the deficit. When Obama almost doubled our national debt, that was ignored because he was doing it for the benefit of his fellow man and to bring us all together for a group hug.

Moritz’s failure to believe the possibility of cooler temperatures in August is about on par with those who failed to believe Donald Trump could be elected president.

I want to compliment Ms. Moritz on discussing the issues and not stooping to calling names and degrading all Republicans (like Trump or Cotton), such as is done by her friend Arkansas Democrat-Gazette columnist John Brummett.

Jerry B. Jackson
Heber Springs

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