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UAMS Cancer Imaging Archive gets $8.3M NCI Grant

1 min read

The National Cancer Institute has awarded an $8.3 million grant to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

UAMS said it will use the money to expand and enhance an archive of cancer medical images and data.

UAMS said the Cancer Imaging Archive is a free service that hosts a collection of cancer-related medical images available for public download. 

“All patient identification has been removed from the images and supporting data, which include outcomes, treatment details, genetic information, pathology reports and expert analyses when available,” UAMS said in a news release. “Since its formation about seven years ago, TCIA data has been used to produce almost 500 academic papers.”

The archive moved from Washington University in St. Louis to UAMS in 2015 when its lead principal investigator, Dr. Fred Prior, became chair of the UAMS Department of Biomedical Informatics. Prior became leader of the TCIA project during his tenure at Washington University.

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