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UCA Awarded $250,000 for Assistance Program

1 min read

The U.S. Department of Education recently awarded the University of Central Arkansas in Conway a $250,000 grant to fund Upward Bound, the university’s program that helps high school students with academic or financial needs attend college.

The program targets first-generation college students who are low income or are a high risk for academic failure, as well as students who need academic support in order to pursue an education beyond high school.

The grant will be used to provide free services for 58 students from Perryville (Perry County), Bigelow (Perry County), Morrilton (Perry County), Mayflower (Faulkner County) and Nemo Vista (Conway County) high schools. Program services are provided during the nine-month academic year and the six-week summer residential program at UCA.  

Upward Bound students receive individualized education plans tailored to meet their potential and interact weekly with tutors, counselors and Upward Bound staffers. Students take assessments to aid them in determining what career path they might pursue and what their learning styles are. They also take practice ACT tests and a reading assessment.

Through tutoring and on-campus experiences, Upward Bound “shows these students that college is attainable,” said UCA’s interim provost, Steve Runge, in a press release.

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