Business and politics in Arkansas and elsewhere are still dominated by men, and that fact is evident in the pages of Arkansas Business. Three years ago, we decided to make a special effort to highlight the fact that there are indeed “Women of Influence” in our midst, and in this issue we again set out to recognize 10 different women.
This feature is not a contest or a competition, and we do not suggest that these 10 are the only influential women in the state. We did not solicit nominations. Instead, these Women of Influence were selected by the Arkansas Business editorial staff based on our familiarity with them and with their spheres of influence.
Some fields seem to have been more open to the influence of women — education and nonprofits, for instance — while it is harder to find women in the top ranks of finance or manufacturing. Some of these women are well known to readers and some wield their influence behind the scenes. Some have labored long in Arkansas; some are relatively new to our state. We consider these women to be among the most influential in their fields in 2013 and we believe their stories are valuable reminders of the important roles that women play in our state’s economy.
Feedback is welcome. Please address comments to Gwen Moritz, Editor, at or P.O. Box 3686, Little Rock, AR 72203.
Click on the links below to view each profile.
- Rosalind Brewer: Rising Star in Wal-Mart
- Michelle Duggar: Living Her Message
- Margaret Ellibee: Takes on Big Job
- Charlaine Harris: Making Vampires Southern
- Debe Hollingsworth: The New Mayor In a Troubled Town
- Teresa Oelke: Making an Impact
- Rita Sklar: Protecting The Bill Of Rights
- Melody Trimble: Managing Care on a Large Scale
- Jane Wayland: Training the Future
- Sherece West-Scantlebury: Asking ‘Why?’