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Health Care Reform Symposium

Tom Hayes

Health Care Law Comes With Learning Curve

Penalties associated with the employer mandate are expected to generate $140 billion in revenues over the next 10 years according to the Congressional Budget Office, not enough to fund the effort while the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the IRS and U.S. Treasury determine how to get it right. However, individuals are still required to comply in 2014 with the individual mandate, and the federal exchanges are still set to launch Jan. 1.

Health Care Reform Features Tax Credits For Businesses

Cindy Crone

Many businesses have viewed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) with concern, focusing on the tax penalties in the law for those that don’t provide insurance; however, the benefits far outweigh any potential penalties.

Clearing Up Questions about Health Care Reform (From the Publisher)

Mitch Bettis will begin Feb. 25 as general manager of Arkansas Business Publishing Group and publisher of Arkansas Business.

Arkansas Business has traditionally reported important trends and issues affecting business in the state and it is in this spirit that we join with our esteemed partners to present the 2013 Health Care Reform Symposium. This accompanying supplement is designed to get you thinking about the impacts to your business.

Transformation Of Arkansas’ Health Care System

Dr. Joe Thompson

In a little over four months major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) will go into effect. Beginning Jan. 1, 2014, the more than 500,000 working-age Arkansans currently without a source for paying medical expenses will be able to take advantage of the core intent of the federal law.

Cal Kellogg

Impact Of The Affordable Care Act And Understanding Your Choices

In determining how reform will impact your employer group, your considerations include whether or not your group is grandfathered and how the new rating rules will affect your premium. read more >
Chris DoolittleBKD LLP

Accounting Implications Of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Accounting for information reporting requirements in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), while considering the budget effects, requires consistent discipline. Companies should continue dedicating the necessary resources to bring regulatory change into focus. read more >
Juliana Reno, Esq.Kutak Rock LLP

The Affordable Care Act — Tax Implications For Employers

Almost every employer will have to make substantive changes to its group health plan — changes to the benefits, changes to the eligibility rules, changes to the amount of premium paid by the employer, or some combination of these — in order to comply with the Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”). read more >
Jeff HankinsPresident and Publisher, Arkansas Business

How Will Your Business’ Bottom Line Be Impacted by Health Care Reform? (From the Publisher)

How to provide quality health insurance to employees — and at an affordable price — has long been a serious challenge for Arkansas businesses. And now, with the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, questions abound about how health care reform will affect businesses, their employees and individuals. read more >
Dr. Joe ThompsonArkansas Surgeon GeneralDirector, Arkansas Center for Health Improvement

Improving the Arkansas Health Care System

Arkansas' Surgeon General Dr. Joe Thompson on how the Affordable Health Care Act may curb costs and provide greater access. read more >
Chris DoolittleBKD LLP

Significant 2013 & 2014 Business Tax Implications Of Health Care Reform

When the reform became law in 2010, many of the changes seemed far in the future; some don’t take effect until 2018. For this reason, the majority of small businesses have delayed the development of related strategy and planning. read more >
Juliana Reno, Esq.Kutak Rock LLP

Health Care Reform — The Employer Mandate

Juliana Reno reviews who is affected by the employer mandate, how to comply with the act and the penalties for non-compliance. read more >
Jay BradfordArkansas Insurance Commissioner

Planning for the Federally-facilitated Health Benefits Exchange Partnership in Arkansas

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Jay Bradford describes the planning that businesses will need to pay attention to in instilling the Federally-facilitated model. read more >
Tom KaneSenior vice president, Stephens Insurance

‘Pay or Play’ — The Employer Dilemma

Employers with less than 50 “full-time equivalent employees” are exempt from the mandate but will still need to make a business decision on whether to offer employer sponsored health insurance as a benefit of employment. read more >
Mike StockPresident/CEO QualChoice of Arkansas

Health Reform Initiatives Underway But Challenges Await

One of the primary goals of health reform is to make health care accessible to more people. But, it is not enough to simply increase accessibility; it must also decrease costs. To accomplish this it is important to understand the dynamics of rising health care costs. Expanding coverage without addressing the rising costs will not cure our inefficient system regardless of who pays the bills — private insurers, government, employers or individuals. Most industry experts believe that to effectively reform health care, we must find ways to improve quality and get control of the broader causes of rising costs. read more >
Peter D. BankoPresident and CEO, St. Vincent Health System

Blueprint For Future Should Be Found In Efforts Of Past

Taking a journey back in time for the moment, for just about every one of the last seven decades, the health care industry (insurers, hospitals, and physicians) has experienced a radical change, shift, and/or transformation in the way work and business needs to be conducted. read more >
John SeligArkansas Department of Human Services

Medicaid Expansion In Arkansas Worth Serious Consideration

One of the biggest impacts of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act is to give states the option of offering Medicaid coverage to those with the lowest incomes. In Arkansas, that would mean providing much-needed access to care for about 250,000 mostly working adults. read more >