Brooke Moore is a mother, just like necessity.
As a volunteer with Arkansas Access to Justice, Moore had become intrigued with the concept of “limited scope representation” for individuals and small businesses that would otherwise have to represent themselves. Then a military wife, the mother of three found it “very hard for me to practice law in the traditional way.”
In 2015, five years after she graduated from the Bowen School of Law in Little Rock, she married an online law practice with limited scope representation to create MyVirtual.Lawyer.
“You can come to us and get quality legal help at a flat rate,” Moore explained.
Without a model to follow, “I just sort of made it up and made some mistakes along the way.” Now she is a model for others, speaking around the country and licensing the MyVirtual.Lawyer brand to lawyers in Texas and Florida — so far.
In 2020, Moore, who grew up in Batesville, and three other women established ShiftHer, which offers a 12-month personal development and empowerment curriculum for women.