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Banking & Finance / Investments

Does A 401(k) Employer Match Tempt You to Cash Out? (Analysis)

Too many people cash out their 401(k)s when leaving a job — and part of the problem may be generous employer matches, researchers have found. read more >

Resilient Stock Market Helped Boost Gains for 401(k) Savers in First Half of 2023

The average 401(k) plan balance stood at $112,400 at the end of the second quarter, an increase of 4% from the first quarter and up 8.3% from the second quarter of last year, according to new data from Fidelity Investments. read more >
The Internal Revenue Services building in Washington, D.C.
Banking & Finance / Government & Politics / Investments

IRS Raises Contribution Limits for Retirement Savings Plans

The changes, among others announced by the IRS Friday, make it easier for retirement savers who use these types of tax-advantaged plans to set aside more of their income toward building their nest egg. read more >
Business Services / Education / Investments

Maybe Below Average (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

Still feel average living on a combined annual income of $500,000? You may be overlooking some obvious gaps in budget. read more >
Investments / Media & Marketing

Glass Half-Full (Editorial)

here’s some reason for cheer, and in time for Thanksgiving. read more >
Business Services / Legal / Small Business

Your Duty To Your Employees (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

Here's the thing: 401(k) plans managed with care, skill, prudence and diligence are as good for executives, who may be paying fees on higher balances, as for rank-and-file workers, who can’t afford an expensive mistake. read more >
Government & Politics / Small Business

401(k)s & Bipartisanship (Editorial)

The Retirement Enhancement & Savings Act of 2018, seeks to encourage further employee participation in 401(k) and similar plans, the increasingly important vehicles through which people save for retirement. read more >
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Government & Politics

401(k) Auto-Enrollment Benefits Employers

Automatically enrolling employees in their 401(k) plans, a trend that’s picking up around the United States, can help companies in several ways, according to employee benefits experts in Arkansas. read more >
Government & Politics / Investments

One Bullet Dodged; More Expected (Editorial)

That collective sigh you heard Thursday morning was that of millions of Americans relieved to learn that the U.S. House of Representatives had no plans to change the rules on 401(k) accounts. read more >
Richard H. Thaler, 2017 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and the co-author of "Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness".
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Education

Everyone Needs a Little Nudge (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

Richard Thaler was already a rock star among economists before he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences last week. read more >
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Investments

Small-Business CEOs, Your 401(k) Plan Matters (Tim Quillin Expert Advice)

In every facet of 401(k) plans, fees are declining. There are three primary hands in the 401(k) cookie jar: recordkeepers/third-party administrators, investment funds and advisers. read more >
Business Services / Health Care / Insurance

Hidden Figures (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

Companies provide 401(k) plans for all the right reasons, but in doing so, employers also take on a fiduciary responsibility for making smart choices. read more >
Banking & Finance / Investments / Real Estate

3 Ways Wharton Business Scholars Challenge Retirement Thinking

Conventional wisdom is being turned on its head in many ways these days. From politics to healthcare, there seems to be a revolution in thinking about how we arrive at the outcomes that are in our best interest. read more >
Education / Health Care / Insurance

Middle Class, Cash Poor And Desperate (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

A couple of smart, talented, outwardly successful guys fell into the fatal trap of believing that they deserved a lifestyle they simply couldn’t afford. read more >

False Confidence Driving Americans Down Dangerous Road to Retirement

A new survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute reveals Americans are not planning for retirement, but believe they will be just fine. read more >
Banking & Finance / Investments

The Paradox of Optimism (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

An analysis by national correspondent Ryan Cooper for TheWeek.com declared the 401(k) system to be “a blight on the face of the American republic.” That’s the kind of over-the-top headline that is click-bait these days, but when you look at the numbers, the only conclusion one can reach is that a disaster is looming — even if we blame operator error rather than the system itself. read more >
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Insurance

More Baby Boomers’ 401(k) Plans Not Financially Ready for Retirement

Baby boomers between 55 and 64 haven’t squirreled away that much money for retirement, though some Arkansas money managers say their clients mostly will be financially ready. read more >
Richard Bell
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Insurance

Five Financial Things To Do Before Dec. 31 (Richard Bell Commentary)

You’re probably putting together your Christmas gift list. But there’s one other important checklist you need to get started before Dec. 31. Whether you’re an individual or business owner, there are five things you need to consider before the year ends. read more >

The Problem Without a Solution (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

A lot of people are making a lot of money off 401(k)s, but not very many Americans can expect to retire comfortably if a 401(k) is our primary retirement savings vehicle. read more >
Dave M. Graf
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

Head for a Safe Harbor in 2013 (Dave M. Graf Commentary)

If your company's 401(k) plan doesn't have a "safe harbor" feature in 2012, you should strongly consider incorporating such a feature for 2013 and beyond. read more >