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Incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. French Hill faces Democratic State Sen. Joyce Elliott in the general election for Arkansas' 2nd Congressional District.
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Joyce Elliott Outspent French Hill on AdsLock Icon

State Sen. Joyce Elliott, a Democrat, has conceded her loss to Republican incumbent French Hill in Arkansas’ 2nd District congressional race, but it wasn’t for a lack of advertising dollars. read more >
Government & Politics

Bloomberg’s Costly Night: Arkansas Ad Total for Super Tuesday Is $4.84 Million

Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former New York mayor who spent $558 million on advertising on Super Tuesday only to drop out of the Democratic presidential race in favor of Joe Biden on Wednesday, ended up spending nearly $5 million in Arkansas. read more >
Michael Bloomberg speaking in New York City in 2012.
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Bloomberg Spends Big on Arkansas Presidential PrimaryLock Icon

Remember the $2 million in Arkansas advertising that Michael Bloomberg had spent by mid-February for his Democratic presidential campaign? Well, you can double that, and then some. read more >
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Open Mike: Ads for Bloomberg Pump $2M Into Arkansas MarketsLock Icon

A $320 million ad push by Democratic presidential contender Michael Bloomberg is driving up prices in Arkansas and elsewhere before Super Tuesday, March 3. read more >