AT&T Inc.
AT&T Effort to Bring Higher-Speed Internet to Rural Arkansas
AT&T is doing its part to answer the call for more rural internet in the COVID-19 era, combining with the Federal Communications Commission to extend high-speed service to more than 41,000 rural homes and businesses in Arkansas. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson to Speak at Little Rock Chamber Meeting
The Little Rock Regional Chamber says AT&T CEO Randall L. Stephenson will speak at its Dec. 4 annual meeting. read more >
Buyers Secure Southwestern Bell Building in $1.8M Deal
Texas investors bought the 370,556-SF Southwestern Bell Building at 1111 W. Capitol Ave. for $1.8 million. read more >
Arkansas Cooperatives Apply Rural Electrification Model to Internet Access
Ouachita Electric in Camden, North Arkansas Electric in Salem (Fulton County) and Ozarks Electric in Fayetteville plan to deliver internet via fiber optic cable to their members in the next few months. read more >
Parts of Fayetteville Are AT&T Fiber Ready
AT&T of Dallas and the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce announced today that several places in the city have been certified as being “Fiber Ready,” meaning infrastructure is in place and ready to bring higher-speed internet access to local businesses. read more >
Jan Collier: AT&T Corporate Leadership Reflects Diverse Workforce, Customer Base
Jan Collier oversees the sales and operations for more than 1,100 employees, 60 AT&T-owned and operated retail locations and more than 340 national retail partners and authorized dealers across Arkansas and Oklahoma. read more >
Leslie Rutledge Launches Metal Theft Initiative
Attorney General Leslie Rutledge launched an initiative Thursday to deter Arkansas' persistent problem of metal theft through increased training and tracking. read more >
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AT&T Hit with $100M Fine for Slowing ‘Unlimited’ Data Plans
AT&T Mobility LLC has been hit with a $100 million fine for offering consumers "unlimited" data, but then slowing their Internet speeds after they hit a certain amount. read more >
by Associated Press -
AT&T Project Boosts Wireless Coverage at Baptist
AT&T has finished installing a Distributed Antenna System at Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock. read more >
by Sean Beherec -
Comcast Wins More Internet Customers, Ad Sales Up
Comcast Corp.'s third-quarter net income jumped 50 percent in the third quarter, helped by a one-time tax settlement, growth in Internet subscribers and fewer defectors from its cable service. read more >
by Associated Press -