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Bean Lumber Co.

Conifex Timber Inc. of Vancouver was just one of several Canadian companies that have invested heavily in the forest products industry in Arkansas.
Agriculture & Poultry / Business Services / Construction

A Decade After Recession, Arkansas Timber Industry RebornLock Icon

The timber industry, the biggest employer in south Arkansas, has recovered in the decade since the Great Recession. That doesn’t mean it will ever be the same. read more >
Brett Bray

Pine Bluff Native to Manage Reopened Sawmill at Glenwood

Brett Bray has been hired as the general manager who will reopen next month the sawmill at Glenwood formerly operated by Bean Lumber Co. read more >
Bean Lumber Co. of Glenwood planned to receive $10 million in funding in 2010, but the money never arrived as promised. (Photo by Mark Friedman)
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Legal

Bean Lumber Case Closed Over ‘Failure To Communicate’

U.S. District Judge James Moody Jr. recently tossed out a case that Grady Bean, CEO of the defunct Bean Lumber Co. of Glenwood, and his company filed back in 2013 because of Bean’s “failure to communicate,” according to Moody’s order. read more >
Bean Lumber Co. of Glenwood planned to receive $10 million in funding in 2010, but the money never arrived as promised. (Photo by Mark Friedman)
Banking & Finance / Construction / Insurance

Bean Lumber Bankruptcy Blamed On Scam

Almost four years ago, Willy Andreas “Andy” Kirsch, the director of Malteco Business Consulting Group Inc. of Irving, Texas, offered to invest $10 million in Bean Lumber Co. of Glenwood in exchange for 25 percent ownership of the company. All Bean Lumber had to do was pay $125,000 to Malteco before it received the $10 million. read more >