Bill Witty
Restoring Trust in The Medical Board (Bill Witty Commentary)
It was 3:20 a.m. on Oct. 13, 2015, when the Boone County deputy knocked on our door. He had come to tell us of our 24-year-old daughter’s death in Hill County, Texas. Jill’s mother and I got dressed, packed a few things and began the drive to Texas. And thus began a four-year journey into the abyss of the opioid epidemic in Arkansas. read more >
by -
Harrison Doctor’s Second Chances Piling Up at State Medical Board
The Arkansas State Medical Board suspended a Harrison doctor’s medical license last June, for the third time in four years, after multiple complaints that the doctor overprescribed opioids and had serious mental health issues, an examination of his file reveals. read more >
by Mark Friedman -