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Chris Varvares

Chris Vavares, senior managing director and co-founder of Macroeconomic Advisors in St. Louis.
Banking & Finance / Energy / Real Estate

More Notes from Tuesday’s Economic Forecast Conference

While we focused mainly on Michael Pakko's Arkansas economic forecast, there were some other Arkansas-related notes from economist Chris Varvares' national outlook we wanted to toss out there. read more >
Economist Michael Pakko told attendees at the 2012 UALR Economic Forecast Luncheon that the economy is recovering, albeit very slowly.
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

Video: Michael Pakko Says More Slow Growth Ahead, No Matter Who Wins Election

Michael Pakko's "broken record" of slow, steady growth for the Arkansas economy was played again at Tuesday's 2012 UALR Economic Forecast Luncheon at the Clinton Center's Great Hall. read more >
Dr. Michael Pakko, the state economic forecaster and chief economist for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Institute for Economic Advancement.
Banking & Finance / Construction / Education

Michael Pakko to Deliver State Economic Forecast

Michael Pakko will reveal his latest Arkansas economic forecast Tuesday, Oct. 30, at UALR's 2012 Economic Forecast Conference at the Clinton Presidential Center. Also, Chris Varvares of Macroeconomic Advisers of St. Louis will deliver the national economic forecast. And author W. Michael Cox will deliver the keynote address. read more >