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city of Magnolia

The front of Amfuel’s main plant on Firestone Drive in Magnolia.
Energy / Government & Politics / Investments / Legal / Real Estate / Transportation

Out of Bankruptcy, Amfuel SoarsLock Icon

When 70-year-old Magnolia defense contractor Amfuel needed rescue from bankruptcy a little over a year ago, turnaround investors in Los Angeles swooped in like one of the military choppers the Arkansas manufacturer equips with bullet-resistant fuel tanks. read more >
Magnolia’s well-appointed small-town hospital was one of only three owned by Arkansas cities before its transition this month to nonprofit ownership. The state’s last city-owned hospitals are now in Mena and Piggott.
Government & Politics / Health Care / Insurance / Nonprofits

Magnolia Regional Sheds City Ownership

Shifting from city to nonprofit ownership could mean a million dollars a year to Magnolia Regional Medical Center, but patients and doctors may see no outward difference. read more >