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conway school district

Education / Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Conway School Board & the FOIA (Editorial)

The Conway School Board’s email retention policy is a threat to open and transparent government. read more >
Zinnia Clanton • Business Manager/District Treasurer | Conway School District 

Zinnia Clanton of the Conway School District (Finalist: Education CFO)

Now president of a statewide association of school business officers, Zinnia Clanton spent the first two decades of her career as a bookkeeper for a manufacturing plant. read more >
Among the state’s 40 largest school districts, Conway ranked second for students above proficiency in literacy and math.

Faulkner County School Districts Excel in Statewide Benchmark Exams

The results are in and they are undeniable — the best public schools in central Arkansas are in Faulkner County. read more >