Danny Brown
Bold Team’s Dull Colors Disguise Gummies’ Sweet Relief
For Bold Team LLC, the state’s first medical marijuana producer and cannabis edibles manufacturer, business so far has been grape. read more >
Marijuana Dispensary Trio Failed to Mention Family Tie
A Mayflower family that failed to acknowledge their relationship is at the center of an investigation and a lawsuit over the granting of licenses for three medical marijuana dispensaries in Arkansas. read more >
by Marty Cook -
Bold Team Provides Peek at Arkansas’ First Legal Pot Operation
Bold Team LLC is growing the state’s first legal marijuana in Cotton Plant. Arkansas Business took a tour of the company’s $6 million operation. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
For Bold Team, Here Are the Players
Bold Team LLC, the state's first operating medical marijuana cultivator, owes its name to four of its owners and executives: Brown, Orman, Lercher and Drennan. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
Mayflower RV Case Awards Defy Precedent, Appeal Says
A $1 million judgment awarded to the widow of a man who died cleaning up debris following the 2014 Mayflower tornado could be the subject of an Arkansas Supreme Court review of decades of legal precedent. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Widow Receives $1M Judgment Over RV Dealership Destroyed by Tornado
A “hand-shake” man who died while cleaning up debris after a 2014 tornado has had his attention to contractual detail vindicated by the Arkansas Court of Appeals. read more >
In Reversal, Medical Pot Cultivator Picks Jackson County, Not Jefferson
In a stunning reversal that left officials in Pine Bluff "mad to the point of tears, practically," Natural State Wellness Enterprises LLC announced that it would put its medical marijuana cultivation facility in Jackson County. read more >
by Kyle Massey -