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Don Campbell

The Brinkley headquarters of Turner Grain Merchandising Inc. and its related companies.
Agriculture & Poultry / Business Services / Insurance

Turner Grain Case ClosedLock Icon

The case is now over involving a group of Lonoke County farmers who were victims of the defunct Turner Grain Inc. of Brinkely. read more >
Kendel Grooms
Agriculture & Poultry / Investments / Legal

Attorneys in Turner Grain Case Awarded FeesLock Icon

Lonoke County Circuit Judge Sandy Huckabee awarded fees to the attorneys representing a group of Lonoke County farmers who did business with defunct Turner Grain Inc. and its trading partner K.B.X. Inc. read more >
Kendel Grooms
Agriculture & Poultry / Legal

Missing Texts Key to Winning $14.1M Award

The deletion of nearly 46,000 text messages was key to a Lonoke County jury awarding $14.1 million in February to a group of farmers who did business with Turner Grain Inc. of Brinkley and its trading partner K.B.X. Inc. of Little Rock. read more >