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Elizabeth Barnett

Harvest House of Cannabis, with inspections set next week, may end up being the first Little Rock dispensary to open.
Health Care / Legal / Retail

Conway Dispensary Wins ‘Harvest’ Name in Court Action

That bold signage on the yellow walls of Little Rock’s most popular medical marijuana store is likely to be changing soon: The name of Harvest House of Cannabis on Rodney Parham Road has been judged too similar to the name of Conway’s dispensary. read more >
The 32 companies licensed in Arkansas to sell medical marijuana have sometimes faced challenges in finding commercial real estate zoned for a dispensary.
Agriculture & Poultry / Business Services / Construction

Arkansas Pot Plots Proved Smokin’ HotLock Icon

Pinpointing legally permissible real estate for the state’s first medical cannabis enterprises after a 2016 legalization vote was like plunging into the haystack to find the perfect spot for a needle, those involved in the process say. read more >