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Harvard Business Review

Banking & Finance / Business Services / Construction

Defining the New CEO (Lance Turner Editor’s Note)

Research from the Harvard Business Review suggests that, as the nature of business becomes more social, so too do the skills required to run a business. And that’s upended how owners and boards of directors think of a well-equipped CEO candidate. read more >
Agriculture & Poultry / Business Services / Energy

Innovation vs. Industry Thinking (Jim Karrh On Marketing)

Where are you getting fresh ideas for your business? Are you better off looking within your industry, or outside of it? read more >
Jim Karrh
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

The One Comparison That Compels (Jim Karrh On Marketing)

Your customers and prospects make comparisons all the time. If you can affect those comparisons through your advertising, website, direct sales or other touch points, then you’ll likely be unusually effective. read more >