In the Workplace
Potential New Traps in Handling Workplace Accommodations (In The Workplace 2025)
Due to some recent legal changes, employers should ensure their process for determining whether an employee can be reasonably accommodated — or if it would be an undue hardship on the company — is up to date. read more >
by Daveante Jones -
Employee Handbook Guidance for Remote Work, AI and More (In The Workplace 2025)
The start of a new year is the perfect time to review your employee handbook to make sure that it covers the essentials and to address any changes in employment laws or new business needs. read more >
Gun Laws, Liability Rules and Office Safety (Inside The Workplace 2023)
Federal and state firearm laws can complicate employers’ efforts to enforce workplace policies on guns. read more >
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What to Consider When Using Employee Surveillance Tech (In The Workplace 2023)
While employee surveillance is becoming more commonplace, there are legal and ethical duties an employer should keep in mind when using this technology. read more >
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Recreational Marijuana is Out, but Don’t Forget About Medical Marijuana (In The Workplace 2023)
While a lot of Arkansas businesses were focused on the prospect of recreational marijuana this year, many have chosen to ignore medical marijuana since sales began in 2019. read more >
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What the EEOC’s Enforcement Priorities Mean for Employers (In The Workplace 2023)
As the new year begins, employers should consider reviewing their policies and practices to ensure they are compliant with all applicable employment laws. read more >
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How to Navigate Payment Rules for Family Caregivers (In The Workplace 2023)
Ensuring a sufficiently-defined plan of care and work arrangement will be imperative in minimizing the risk of minimum wage and overtime violations. read more >
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What Covered Employers Can Expect from Federal Vaccination Standards (In the Workplace 2022)
The flurry of legal challenges, and subsequent temporary injunctions, has left many employers wondering what to do. read more >
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As Courts Review CMS Vaccine Mandate, Providers Should Prepare (In the Workplace 2022)
If the mandate is ultimately upheld, it will supersede any conflicting state laws. read more >
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Recreational Marijuana Stands a Real Chance Next Year (In the Workplace 2022)
There are at least three ballot proposals on the issue. read more >
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The Pandemic in the Network (In the Workplace 2022)
Remote work and the rapid growth of e-commerce has led to a dangerous surge in cyberattacks. read more >
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Long COVID and the Americans With Disabilities Act (In the Workplace 2022)
Questions about how to accommodate employees suffering from long-term effects of the virus are increasing. read more >
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What to Expect From the Biden Administration (In the Workplace 2021)
With the fast-approaching inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, what can Arkansas businesses expect to see over the next four years from an employment perspective? read more >
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COVID-19 Vaccinations: Can Businesses Make Them Mandatory for Employees? (In the Workplace 2021)
With COVID-19 vaccinations on the horizon, employers have the opportunity to think through whether vaccines should be mandatory or at the discretion of the employees. There are also legal implications to wiegh. read more >
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Business and Personal Travel COVID-19 Considerations for Employers (In the Workplace 2021)
In the COVID-19 era, there are considerations employers should keep in mind about employee business and personal travel, including employee safety and claim avoidance. read more >
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Legal Implications of Remote Work in the COVID-19 Era (In the Workplace 2021)
Like so many things pandemic-related, remote work presents a host of legal challenges for employers to consider. Here's a few. read more >
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In the Workplace 2020: Employment Law Basics for Start-Ups
Start-ups can run into a number of employment issues as their workforce grows. read more >
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In the Workplace 2020: Succession Planning: Avoiding Pitfalls
Succession planning necessitates talking to current key employees about their retirement plans. Planning how you will approach these conversations can help you avoid claims of age bias. Remember, there is no mandatory retirement age (with very few exceptions). read more >
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In the Workplace 2020: Talking Politics: How to Avoid Toxic Work Environment
Over the last several years, political discourse has headed south, and this is increasingly causing problems in the workplace — from co-workers not wanting to work with each other to loud and disruptive arguments and even fistfights. read more >
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In the Workplace 2020: Medical Marijuana’s Slow Rollout Continues
At the end of 2019, the Arkansas medical marijuana program continues its slow rollout. read more >
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