Jessica Dorrell
Relative Value (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)
Things that should be highly valued, in real dollar terms, often are not, and teaching is one of those things. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
An Open Letter to Rick Bagley, News Director, KFSM Channel 5, Fayetteville
Arkansas Business Editor Gwen Moritz objects to conflict of interest, unfair comparison in KFSM's story about the choice to lead the University of Arkansas Center for Ethics in Journalism. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Jeff Long’s Speech: Crafting the Words That Persuaded Razorback Fans
This week's first anniversary of the motorcycle wreck that changed Arkansas sports history provides a case study in crisis communication. John Diamond, the University of Arkansas' associate vice chancellor for university relations, recently spoke to Arkansas Business about the process of crafting the 673-word speech that Athletic Director Jeff Long delivered when he announced that he’d fired the Razorbacks' popular and successful head football coach, Bobby Petrino. read more >
by Chris Bahn -
Cable Cutters, Election Fraud and John Glasgow: Arkansas Business’ Top Read Online Stories in 2012
A July story on how some Arkansans are ditching pay-television for online services like Netflix and Hulu is’s most-read story of the year, according to traffic numbers from Jan. 1 to Dec. 17. read more >
by Lance Turner -
Jessica Dorrell Returns to Fundraising in South Carolina
What is happening with Jessica Dorrell, who seemed to be on the way to a promising career of her own before joining the Arkanass football staff and going on an ill-fated joy ride with Bobby Petrino? read more >